When you have an issue, you can open a new ticket by selecting a service category and then drill down to your specific type of issue. This new setup will enable ITS to better serve your needs by collecting the pertinent information for various scenarios.
TeamDynamix is our new IT Service Management application. You will be able to:
- Access the Client Portal and open a new ticket.
Check on your existing tickets or search the knowledge base to get answers to common questions.
Recommend a topic for a knowledge base article that would be useful or provide site feedback such as additional services for our service catalog.
The Client Portal
The following link will bring you to the SUNY Oneonta TeamDynamix Client Portal. Single Sign On has been enabled. We recommend that you bookmark this link.

- View your existing tickets here. Maybe there is a ticket update waiting for you?
- Do you need to put in a request to ITS? Or report and issue? Open a new ticket here at our new Service Catalog!
- Get Login Maintenance where you can:
- Activate User Account (if you've never logged in before)
- Change Account Password (if you know your password or received a temporary password)
- Reset Account Password (if you've forgotten your password)
- Update Account Recovery Options (in case you ever forget your password)
- Get Remote Support. Check here to see if we have a representative ready to help.
- Access your MyOneonta Portal.
- Provide site feedback here.How are we doing?Can you find what you need?
- Find our hours of operation and contact information.
- Get updates on system wide concerns
- Get quick guidance using the client portal by clicking the double headed arrow to expand each heading for more information and useful links.
- Read popular articles that are linked from the knowledge base.
- View and access Popular Services
Menu Ribbon
The menu ribbon at the top of the client portal provides useful links and information.

- Home brings you to the client portal
- Getting Started offers new students, faculty and employees helpful links and guidance for getting started with useful information concerning accounts, systems and services.
- About ITS Shares the ITS Mission Statement, Our Vision and Values along with some details about each of our areas.
- GetConnected provides resources and information that will help you get connected to the network, get updated virus protection, troubleshooting tips and a link to request wired network jack activation sources.
- Services will take you to the service catalog where you can select the appropriate sub category and the form to make your request.
- Knowledge Base brings you to the library of articles designed to help you help yourself so that some issues can be resolved immediately. You will notice that the structure and icons in the Knowledge Base are an exact match for the Service Catalog. The intention is to allow users to drill down in each category to find the articles that are most relevant.
Using the Service Catalog
The Service Catalog is like a menu of all the goods, services, and assistance ITS provides to our campus community. Currently our Service Catalog consists of 8 Service Categories all with subcategories and Services.
The Service Catalog is organized into categories and subcategories to make it easier for you to find and request the services relevant to your needs. You can also use the search bar to search for services.

- For example, if you need to connect to a printer, click on Hardware, Software, & Printing.
You will see the following subcategories:

- Click on Printing. Each service in the Service Catalog has a description about the service. It can also have tags, a list of Knowledge Base articles related to the service, and attachments.
When you select Printing the following page is displayed:

- When you select Connect to a Printer, the following page is displayed:

- You can see what the service is used for.
- You can also see who is eligible to use the service.
- Click the Connect to a Printer button to bring up the form.
Each service will have a unique request form associated with it which you will use to request the service or report an issue. Request forms are designed to gather all the information technicians need to fulfill your request. This means that your requests can be resolved more quickly and efficiently saving you precious time.
If you aren't seeing a service that you think should be there, be sure to check to see if you are signed in. You may also recommend a service by clicking on Provide Site Feedback on the client portal
When you select the Connect to a Printer button it brings you to the following form:

- The form will auto-populate your name in the Requestor field and the Acct/Dept field.
- The red asterisk indicates a required field.
- You can click on the question mark in each field for more information about that field.
- When the form is completed click the Connect to a Printer button at the bottom of the form to submit your request. You will receive an e-mail notification when the form is submitted.
If you can't find the right category/form in the Service Category

Notice that the support category is a required field.
Click the drop down for the Support Category. Notice the breadcrumb trail. *If you can't find the category you are looking for, the General Ticket is located in the category Report an Issue within the Service Catalog.

- Another thing you can do if you can't find the category you are looking for is to scroll down in the list and select Something Else. As part of our commitment to continual improvement, ITS will analyze this category and create new services to better meet your needs.
Need Help?
If you need assistance, we are here to help you. Call the Service Desk at (607) 436-4567 or e-mail us at ITS@oneonta.edu