Visitor WiFi - 24-hour Self-Registration

Tags WiFi Visitor


The daily visitor self-registration process permits visitors to the college (those who don’t have an eduroam account) easy guest access to the Internet.  Visitor access is granted for 24 hours before guests are required to re-register. 


Registration Information

Visitor Self-Registration permits visitors to the college easy access to the Internet.  Visitor access is granted for 24 hours. Once the 24 hours is up, visitors will need to request a new password and re-register for another 24 hours of access. 

Visitor self-registration should NOT be used for the following.  These accounts should be requested by the sponsoring SUNY Oneonta employee using this form.

  1. Conferences
  2. Training sessions that require access to college resources
  3. Contractors that will be on campus for long term project or who need access to college resources (i.e. printers or network shares) as part of their work.


Visitor Registration

  • Connect to Red Dragon WiFi.

  • Open a browser. If you are not presented with the registration page, browse to
  • Choose "visitor registration" at the bottom of the registration page.
  • Enter your name, email, mobile phone number and mobile service provider.
  • Click “request”.
  • The registration credentials will be emailed to the address entered.
  • Check the box to agree to SUNY Oneonta's acceptable use policy.
  • The device’s network connection will automatically be reset and connected to the network.
  • If you still cannot browse the internet, reboot your device and connect to Red Dragon WiFi again.


Image displays the SUNY Oneonta Network Access with a box specifying the Visitor Self Registration