My Recently Visited Services

Request access for Student Adobe Creative Cloud

Request registration for a device that you can't register yourself

• A request for access to a Banner related Application:
• Banner • Argos • Apex • ePrint • Xtender

• Report trouble with WiFi
• Wireless network connections
• SSIDs (Red Dragon WiFi and Eduroam) Access

• Request the installation of software in a computer lab.

Use this form if you not only received a Phishing email, but potentially clicked a link or responded with your personal information

• Connect to a specific printer

If you believe your computer or device has a virus

Please use this form to submit a data request to Institutional Research.

• Classroom technology help and resources
• Projector Issues
• Audio Issues

Request a SharePoint Intranet site for your project, department, or other campus community.

Request a reset of on an Oneonta domain password, used for computer logins, email, etc.

Use this form to request updates to an existing service.

• Surplus pickups of computers, monitors, computer peripherals, and printers

Use this form if you have an issue or question with the Microsoft Office 365 platform including Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.

Request a new account with an on-campus sponsor

Report an issue or request something that you could not find in the Service Catalog.

Request access to the VPN to connect to the campus network for accessing specific resources

• Request a software install
• Request a software license
• Configuration changes/updates

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) connects various tools to our campus Brightspace