Email & Collaboration Tools

• Shared Mailbox Requests/Access
• SharePoint • Teams • Office365

Services (8)

Banner Managed Listserv Request

• Request the creation of a new listserv or changes to an existing listserv.

General SharePoint Issues/Questions

If you have a question about your SharePoint site, use this form for assistance.

General Teams Issues/Questions

Use this form if you need help with Microsoft Teams

Issue with Office 365, or E-Mail

Use this form if you have an issue or question with the Microsoft Office 365 platform including Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.

New Shared Email Account

Request a new email account to be shared with multiple people

SharePoint Intranet Site Request

Request a SharePoint Intranet site for your project, department, or other campus community.

Sponsored Account Request

Request a new account with an on-campus sponsor

Shared Mailbox Access Change

Shared Mailbox Access Management